Sixteen Sunsets Now Available in 5.1
Jane Ira Bloom/ Sixteen Sunsets
Immersive Audio Album
96khz/ 24-bit resolution
available as digital download
or CD/ BluRay bundle
$24.99 USD – $39.99 USD
Wild Lines: Improvising Emily Dickinson
Jane Ira Bloom, Wild Lines: Improvising Emily Dickinson Outline (OTL143) w/ Dawn Clement, Mark Helias, Bobby Previte, & Deborah Rush release date: Sept 8, 2017 available on amazon.com
Early Americans
Jane Ira Bloom w/ Mark Helias & Bobby Previte Outline Records OTL142 available on amazon.com
Mental Weather
Jane Ira Bloom/ Mental Weather Outline (OTL139) w/ Dawn Clement, Mark Helias, & Matt Wilson available on amazon.com
Jane Ira Bloom w/ Bobby Previte, Mark Helias, & Dawn Clement Wingwalker (OTL140) on Outline Records. release date Jan 15, 2011. Available on Amazon.com
Like Silver Like Song
Jane Ira Bloom w/ Jamie Saft, Mark Dresser, & Bobby Previte on ArtistShare.
(Artistshare 0007)
Come and see what it is all about.
Sixteen Sunsets in stereo & surround sound
Sixteen Sunsets CD w/ Cameron Brown, Matt Wilson, Dominic Fallacaro stereo CD on Outline (OTL141) and 5.1 high-resolution surround sound on Pure Audio Blu-Ray (Pure Audio55017) Both available at Amazon.com