Publicity Photos
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Photo credit must accompany use.
Jane Ira Bloom

Photographer: Ken Hunt

Photographer: Ken Hunt

Photographer: Brigitte Lacombe

Photographer: Lucy Gram

Photographer: Lucy Gram

Photographer: Johnny Moreno

Photographer: John Dolan

Photographer: Clara Pereira

Photographer: Kristine Larsen

Photographer: Jack Vartoogian

Photographer: Erika Kapin

Photographer: Erika Kapin

Photographer: Kelly Davidson

Photographer: Lucy Gram
 Photographer: Susan Cook

Photographer: Kristine Larsen

Photographer: Tom Lau

Photographer: Kristine Larsen

Photographer: John Dolan

Photographer: Matthew Sussman |
Atlantic Pacific Waves
Atlantic Pacific Waves, Ensemble: Min Xiao-Fen (pipa), Mark Dresser (bass), Jane Ira Bloom (soprano saxophone), Jin Hi Kim (komungo). On stage, Tishman Hall at The New School University, NYC (April 2001). Photographer: Jerry Speier
Atlantic Pacific Waves, Ensemble: Mark Dresser (bass), Min Xiao-Fen (pipa), Jin Hi Kim (komungo), Jane Ira Bloom (soprano saxophone). On stage, Tishman Hall at The New School University, NYC (April 2001). Photographer: Jerry Speier
Atlantic Pacific Waves: Jin Hi Kim (komungo). Photographer: Jerry Speier
Atlantic Pacific Waves: Min Xiao-Fen (pipa). Photographer: Jerry Speier
Atlantic Pacific Waves: Mark Dresser (bass). Photographer: Jerry Speier
Atlantic Pacific Waves: Jane Ira Bloom (soprano saxophone). Photographer: Jerry Speier